New Registrar Appointed
New Registrar Appointed
It is my pleasure as Chairman of the NZWCA board to announce that we have appointed Marg Forde as the new Registrar for the Association.
It is a slight change to our structure in that Bruce Abbott is remaining involved as Executive Officer so they will work in conjunction on some matters but also have specific roles to undertake.
Appointing Marg leaves a vacancy on the board so we would like to encourage members to have a go at the job there will be an election at the 2021 Annual General Meeting. If you are a hesitant about that, give a board member a call and talk about it, you will find it isn’t as daunting as you think.
Bill Dowle

Note from Bruce Abbott, NZWCA Executive Officer:
Members will be advised of the roles that the Registrar and Executive Officer will have next month. This change will spread the large amount of work we do and l welcome the appointment of Margaret which in time will greatly reduce my role in the future.
Posted February 18, 2021 by David.