Requirements for Wool Classing/Grading Registration
This is to assist with understanding the requirements of what you need to complete before registration will be considered by the New Zealand Wool Classers Association, and how to go about upgrading your registration.
Your registration number is a unique number given only to you.
In order to use this registration, your annual subscription must be kept current.
The steps are as follows:

QP (provisional) Registration (grading) $80.00 incl GST per annum
- A Grader can apply for membership of the NZWCA and QP status by filling out the form on our website: and payment of the relevant registration fee.
- A QP registration applicant/holder will have passed the Level 4 Wool Clip Grading Course provided by Southern Institute of Technology/Telford, email: or more information here: (scroll down to “Wool Clip Grading Course”)
- The QP registration holder may grade and apply their registration to Mid Micron hogget and all Crossbred wool providing their NZWCA annual subscription is kept current.
- A QP registration holder can upgrade to QX registration upon shed management inspection pass and approval of their grading of two Crossbred clips. A QP registration holder can upgrade to QH registration upon shed management inspection pass (if not already done for QX) and approval of their grading of two Mid Micron hogget (only) clips.
- Request form to book Inspector for FIRST ONLY combined shed visit for shed management inspection and clip report must be completed and submitted by Grader (as detailed on the form) to NZWCA Registrar email or ph 0274 743 104 at least 14 days prior to shearing. The Registrar will then allocate an Inspector and advise Grader. The shed management inspection and wool grading report form is to be filled out by the Grader and the Inspector, the Inspector then forwards the completed form to NZWCA Registrar, as detailed on the form. The wool test results are also required to be sent to the Registrar – the Grader and the Inspector need to discuss this and decide who will be doing this. These two forms need to be downloaded and printed prior; it is the responsibility of the Grader to ensure this is done. Links for the forms are here:
It is recognised that the “P” prefix in a Q Grading stencil is a provisional short-term starting step, pending full grader registration, therefore:
- From Jan 1st, 2025, all new “QP” stencil holders will have to submit their required clips within 3 years of their stencil registration number being granted. Failure to complete these requirements, may result in a suspension of their classer stencil at the discretion of the NZWCA Registrar.
- All existing “QP”stencil registrations granted prior to Jan 1st, 2025, will have three years from this date to submit their required clips. The time frame for completion will be by December 31st, 2027. Failure to complete these requirements, may result in a suspension of their classer stencil at the discretion of the NZWCA Registrar.
Provisional Classer “P” Registration $140.00 incl GST per annum
- A graduate of the Certificate in NZ Wool Technology and Classing course can apply for membership of the NZWCA and Provisional Classer status by filling out the form on our website and payment of registration fee. Applicant to supply student number and evidence of pass.
- A “P” (Provisional) classer registration holder may class and apply their registration to wool providing their NZWCA annual subscription is kept current.
- The “P” prefix is NZWCA recognition of the holder having attained their Certificate in Wool Technology and Classing (or equivalent) only. The “P” prefix does not necessarily denote that NZWCA recognises any practical classing experience.
- A “P” Classer can upgrade their registration upon passing shed management inspection(s) and presentation and NZWCA approval of three clips of a breed (Crossbred, Mid Micron & Merino).
- Request form to book Inspector for combined shed visit for shed management inspection and clip report must be completed and submitted by Classer (as detailed on the form) to NZWCA Registrar email ph 0274 743 104 at least 14 days prior to shearing. The Registrar will then allocate an Inspector and advise Classer. The shed management inspection and wool classing report form is to be filled out by the Classer and the Inspector, the Inspector then forwards the completed form to NZWCA Registrar, as detailed on the form. The wool test results are also required to be sent to the Registrar – the Classer and the Inspector need to discuss this and decide who will be doing this. These two forms need to be downloaded and printed prior, it is the responsibility of the Classer to ensure this is done. Links for the forms are here:
- Upon passing of shed management inspection and the first wool clip classing of a breed (Crossbred, Mid Micron or Merino), the Classer can complete their upgrade process by submitting and having approved wool test results and content descriptions of lines (ie: Line number/Line name/description, so Line 106/3AM/Tender, or Line 102/4AM/Medium) from two more wool clips classed per breed (Crossbred, Mid Micron or Merino) to NZWCA Registrar or c/- 67 Jacks Drive, West Melton 7618. Full name, Classer registration number, email and contact phone number must be included.
- As each breed is presented and approved you are upgraded for Crossbred to X, for Mid Micron to H for Merino to M. When you have been approved for Crossbred & Mid Micron you are upgraded to B, Cross Bred & Merino to C, Mid Micron & Merino to D. On completion of Merino, Mid-Micron and Crossbred you qualify for A (full registration).
- NOTE: 1) If a passed shed management inspection is for Crossbred or for a Mid-Micron wool where the clip is not being fully classed, the Registrar will require another shed management inspection on a merino clip before an upgrade to Merino stencil prefix will be allowed. 2) At least two of the three clips submitted for inspection must be adult ewe or wether wool.
It is recognised that the “P” wool classing stencil is a provisional short-term starting step, pending full classer registration, therefore:
- From Jan 1st, 2025, all new “P” stencil holders will have to submit their required clips within 3 years of their stencil registration number being granted. Failure to complete these requirements may result in a suspension of their classer stencil at the discretion of the NZWCA Registrar.
- All existing “P” stencil registrations granted prior to Jan 1st, 2025, will have three years from this date to submit their required clips. The time frame for completion will be by December 31st, 2027. Failure to complete these requirements may result in a suspension of their classer stencil at the discretion of the NZWCA Registrar.
Owner classer “F” Registration $140.00 incl GST per annum
- No formal qualification is required
- To apply for Owner Classer “F” registration the applicant must be recommended by a Wool Broker/Wool Merchant or a NZWCA appointed person. To join:
- An “F” classer or grader registration holder may apply their registration to wool providing their NZWCA annual subscription is kept current.
- Only applies to clips that you have a direct relationship to, such as Owner/Manager
- Owner Classer to organise Inspector shed visit during shearing by contacting NZWCA Registrar or ph 0274 743 104 . One shed management inspection and clip classing or grading (as applies) report must be undertaken by Inspector appointed by NZWCA Registrar. This will be either a wool representative of the farm (such as wool broker/merchant) or NZWCA representative. The form to do this must be completed and submitted by Inspector to NZWCA Registrar at least 14 days prior to shearing, as detailed on the form. This form needs to be downloaded and printed
prior, so it is available for the Inspector, it is the responsibility of the Owner Classer to ensure this form is available. Links for the forms are here:
- For classing once clips have been approved by NZWCA you qualify for F registration plus prefix on breed Merino would be “FM”, Crossbred “FX” and Mid Micron “FH”
- For grading once clips have been approved you qualify FQX for crossbred, FQH for mid micron and FQB for both crossbred and mid micron
Store classer “S” Registration $140.00 incl GST per annum
It is acknowledged that to be eligible for upgrade of Provisional “P” classer prefix to Store “S” classer prefix the existing shed classer criteria is not relevant. Therefore, as at November 2024 NZWCA has adopted the following for store classers.
- Store classer still needs to have an inspection done that parallels the shed management inspection, but is one that is relevant to how the classer sets up and works in the store, including managing staff (if any). That inspection referred to as “store management inspection”. Working area, bins, fadges and wool in sale sample boxes will be included in the inspection. Request for inspection to be made to NZWCA Registrar email
- Store classer required to submit at least three bin fleece lines and four bin oddment wool lines, each prepared for a sale, and relevant test results, per wool category (merino, mid micron and crossbred) to pass and get their prefix upgraded from Provisional. Therefore if they pass upgrade for Crossbred only their prefix would be SX. For Mid Micron only SH. For Merino only SM. For Crossbred and Mid Micron SB. For Crossbred and Merino SC. For Mid Micron and Merino SD. For all wool types SA.
- An “S” prefix stencil is only valid on wool classed in a wool store, not in a shearing shed.
- The inspector, a person with proven store classing experience appointed by NZWCA Registrar, must not be employed by the same company as the classer seeking upgrade
- The inspector to make one face to face store management inspection, and the same inspector must also pass subsequent clip classing by checking test results submitted to them by store classer
- Clips submitted must be from separate wool sales
This criteria was arrived at following consultation with classers with store classing experience and/or holding the old store classer stencil, wool brokers, wool reps and wool buyers. This initiative has been taken because there was no documentation existing for the “old” store classer registration category
Classers with overseas Registration $140.00 incl GST per annum
- The classer is required to register with NZWCA and provide copies of relevant classer’s qualification. Upon acceptance you are required to go through the same process as a Provisional classer (“P” registration).
Wool Harvester Membership $40.00 incl GST per annum
- This is a category for those working in wool harvesting who wish to support NZWCA and our roles and objectives. Wool harvester members pay an annual fee and are entitled to attend all activities and events run by NZWCA and may attend our AGMs or special meetings but may not vote. Wool harvester members receive our newsletters and other communications and as with other members have the choice of opting in or out of being visible as members on our website:
Associate Membership $120.00 incl GST per annum
- Associate membership is a category that covers farmers, sponsors, shearing contractors, retired wool classers or anyone who wishes to support NZWCA and our roles and objectives. Associate members pay an annual fee and are entitled to attend all activities and events run by NZWCA and may attend our AGMs or special meetings but may not vote. Associate members receive our newsletters and other communications and as with other members have the choice of opting in or out of being visible as members on our website: