Kristal Wilson

Stencil: A2142

Phone: 03 446 8161
Mobile: 022 389 1530
Membership type: Full

Kia Ora e hoa ma

My name is Kristal Wilson A2142

I am originally from Hawkes Bay, Live in Central Otago, born and raised in the shearing industry. When I was young, I would spend my school holidays in Central Otago, started when I was about 13 my first fine wool stay out was a station called Nokomai. The classer at that time was Willis Arbuckle, I became his bin runner. He drew pictures on paper and put them on the side of the bin and wherever he wanted the fleece to go he would just call out the picture and I’d take it to that bin. Then on to our next stay out was Cecil Peak, there I met a classer named Bruce Abbott, the man with the big lollies bag and dressed like a doctor. My cousin and I went together on that stay out. I remember looking at all his lines of wool and feeling confused and uncomfortable, I came back later that night when no one was around to have a look at this precious stuff. Our wool handlers at home never did this much to wool and we never had someone to take it and separate it before. It fascinated me. I pulled some out and this stuff was different not like Nokomai but bright, super soft and lovely. That was it I wanted to know more. A year later was my first real pre-lamb, for Barry Harrex. I tried to get on as many courses as I could. At the time wasn’t very many and not available for someone my age so I just kept learning and growing. I’m so happy to say I have met and had so many wonderful mentors and teachers over the years, many of whom are members or past members of the classers association that I will forever be grateful to. Thank you for having me here, I can’t wait to learn even more. 

