David Daunton
Stencil: FX1136
David is 88 years old, lives in Waipawa and has been classing for many years.
In the 1950’s David even classed at Ngamatea Station [Renata Apatu’s farm). In 2018 David won the Classers North Island Merit award for his Crossbred clip at Te Kaihi.
Growing up in the Waikato amongst dairy farmers David had no incentive to be a dairy farmer, so sheep and beef was his choice which he was involved in all of his working life.
Shepherding on several large properties in various parts of the North Island, also making sometime to do shearing as well. David tried to find time to talk to the wool classers and watch them at work, taking note of the different lines of wool in the bins, also breeds.
This was a great help when starting farming on his own in Hawkes Bay sixty years ago, then being able to obtain a farmer classer stencil which helped with selling his wool.