Overview of 2020 AGM

Overview of 2020 AGM

Below is an overview of the AGM meeting held on Thursday June 25th 2020.

  1. We had 22 connected to the ZOOM meeting with 16 apologies
  2. It was pleasing to report that we had a small surplus ($182) for the 2019 financial year. This is the first time your association has not need to dip into it reserves
  3. The motion for increased fee was passed Full $140, Q $80 and Associate $120
  4. EO/R Report, Bruce added that the Wool Grading course has been approved and NZWCA is assisting Southern Institute of Technology in the content and delivery of this course. The proposal of the prefix on testing certificates that indicate wool been prepared by a qualified and financial member of NZWCA has been delayed due to Covid-19
  5. Election of Directors – Sitting members, John Sanders & Terrance Mulcahy and a new member Sonya Johansen been elected
  6. David Daunton has been retain as Patron
  7. In General Roger Fuller (CP Wool, Graeme Bell (PGG Wrightson) gave an overview the present state of the wool market, Tony Cunningham (NZ Woolscours) an overview for the scouring industry and Mark Barrowcliffe (President NZ Shearing Contractors) an overview of the shearing industry


Have a good season and remember preparation is more important this year than it ever been due to the position our industry and Country is in.


We all should be supporting this petition. please give it your consideration to sign.

“That the House of Representatives ensure all public-funded buildings and Kiwi Build homes are built or refurbished with New Zealand wool carpet and New Zealand wool insulation.”

Petition reason: New Zealand wool is a locally grown, natural, renewable resource that must be used in all public-funded buildings and Kiwi Build homes. It is: environmentally friendly – produced totally from renewable and natural resources; biodegradable; sustainable; fire-resistant; superior in performance; safe; absorbs toxins; acoustically excellent; healthier as it improves indoor air quality; and energy efficient. Wool stores carbon and has economic benefits, as it is locally produced and creates jobs.
To sign this petition click here.

Lastly thank you all for your support and remaining to be financial members of your association.



NOTE from the Chairman: Great we could use technology to hold our meeting due to the Covid-19 pandemic and thank you Tony Cunningham & NZ Wool Scouring Limited for paying for this Meeting and our annual Zoom subscription.

Posted July 2, 2020 by David.